The Blog
Winslow’s Birth Story

Why we chose M.A.M.A.S. I wanted to have a good birth, both for myself and for my baby. I knew this would be one of the most important parts of my life. From reading research about labor and delivery, I learned that the Caesarean section rate had climbed over the past decades—and that in the…
Arthur’s birth story

Even though my first child was born 10 years prior, I felt like I was a first-time mom all over again. That birth happened at a women’s hospital in England, where care is primarily midwife-based. Although my first birth would be considered a breeze by many accounts, I didn’t enjoy being in a hospital –…
William’s Birth Story

It all started on a weekend. As a first time mom, I had been anxious and nervous about labor. Will I know when I am in actual labor? Will my water break at an inconvenient time and place? Will everything be ok with baby? Will I be pregnant forever? I tried to push those intrusive…
Linden’s Birth Story

A VBAC story The background: Not knowing about MAMAS, my husband and I opted to receive prenatal and delivery services at a birth center when we were pregnant with our first baby. After 42 hours of back labor and endless vomiting, we finally transferred to the hospital, began interventions, and I eventually had a cesarean…
Jaqueline’s Birth Story

My VBAC Birth Story After 6 months of trying to get pregnant, including one disappointing chemical pregnancy, I saw that beautiful pink line on the pregnancy test! I was pregnant, excited, and ready to begin my journey to a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). Side note: remember that fun trip to Vegas I took, full of…
Phoebe’s Birth Story

EVA’S VERSION: My husband, Paul, and I were planning on having a home birth with MAMAS, and everything with my pregnancy was normal and healthy. But then, about a month before the due date, my feet started getting itchy. Like, really itchy. It was so bad I couldn’t sleep. One night, while not sleeping, and with cold…
Nora Katherine’s birth story

Nora Katherine’s birth The background: I have been extremely fortunate to have had two healthy and uncomplicated out of hospital births with my previous children, something I never take for granted. My first was at the now-closed Maternity Center birth center, and the second at home. Both had been pretty quick, the first time arriving…
Grace’s Birth Story

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 The day began as normal: get up, go to an early morning health care visit, and then head to the office for a busy day. Although I felt fairly “normal”, a colleague commented on how I didn’t really look well—not myself. The 6:30 commute home was particularly long and arduous, and…
Eleanor’s Birth Story

As an experienced homebirth midwife, I thought I was pretty well prepared for my own labor and birth at home. I’d spent 4 years in intensive nursing and midwifery training, participated in over 200 out of hospital births, and even prepared for my own birth by taking a Birthing from Within course with my wife, Trisha. But…
Grant’s Birth Story

40 weeks, 6 days, Tuesday. Matt and I are at the Shakespeare Company’s production of King Lear, starring Stacey Leach when I first start having contractions. The show started at 7:30pm and by 8pm I’d started having contractions that were mildly annoying. They continued on and off throughout the show and into the night but…