Maryland & DC Midwives

Modern Health Care Knowledge with the TLC of Traditional Midwifery.

Maryland & DC Midwives

Modern Health Care Knowledge with the TLC of Traditional Midwifery.

Metro Area Midwives & Allied Services

Mamas Midwives (6)

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If you have been looking for a one-stop practice for your birth care, breastfeeding help, IUI and gyn/well-body care, and primary care in the metro DC/Maryland area you can breathe easy now—you’re home! Come on in and look around… and sign up for our free Home Birth Info Session.

You are going to LOVE M.A.M.A.S., where we...


get to know you with unhurried, personalized visits.


answer all your questions. Give you information and then ask you what you would like to do.

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nurture a community of families. We're not meant to do this alone.


accept payments while pregnant, then WE do the paperwork to get you maximum reimbursement.

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and always, honor your expertise regarding your amazing body/mind/spirit.

Mamas Midwives (6)

Looking for a Metro DC midwife? We've been supporting local families since 2007.

  • 800+ babies
  • 8% transfer rate
  • 5-7% c-section rate
  • Close to 100% breastfeeding rate

As one of metro DC's most established home birth midwifery practices, our midwives are here to travel your healthcare journey with you, and hold the space for your vision and intentions. But don’t take OUR word for it... Here's what local families have to say:

From Pregnancy to Primary Care, We Have You Covered

with Trauma-Informed, LGBTQ-Friendly Care.

Whether you are planning a pregnancy, done having kids, or never going to have kids,  need a quick pap or an annual physical, need to manage your birth control or your hot flashes, we’ve got you. Looking for IUI in the privacy of your home? We've got you for that, too.

Join a community of pregnant families, build personal relationships with your midwives, and feel secure in a practice of evidence-based, experienced, respectful midwives.  Enjoy unlimited expert breastfeeding/chestfeeding support for 6 weeks postpartum (included) and beyond (additional fees apply).

Midwives primary care

Primary Care

Whether you have a sore throat, a UTI, a sinus infection, a rash, or a form to be filled out for your teen’s sports team, midwifery care is just as warm and respectful for primary care as for birth care.  Once you are an established client, we are also available for urgent care!

Are you ready to learn more?

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Join us for a free Home Birth Info Session. Take all the time you need to make your decision—it’s an important one!

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Once you’ve decided, call us at 301-674-9976 to reserve your space on our due date calendar!

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We will book your first visit ASAP. Exhale, knowing your midwives are now here for your care.

And you will be on your way to a new kind of health care, with M.A.M.A.S. midwives accompanying you every step of the way.